Saturday, January 16, 2016

Retired For Good

I occasionally hear speculation from friends and relatives that I might not be “Retired for Good” as my Facebook page announces. Therefore a little self-examination and research are in order. Using the Google search engine I found the following definitions of “Retired”

“Having left one's job and ceased to work.”

“Retirement is the point where a person stops employment completely.”

“Not working anymore.”

While it is true that I have not received a “pay check” in the previous three years, I haven’t given up “thinking” and certain “projects” that come to my attention intrigue me to the point that I might be lured into some activity that resembles work. I am not seeking employment.

Further study on the subject revealed these definitions:

“Having ended one’s working or professional career.”

“Withdrawn from or no longer occupied with one's business or profession.”

Does “thinking” negate the concept of retirement? Does one have to give up thinking to be “Retired for Good”? Are there activities that benefit from one’s former training and experience that are worthy of pursuit? Am I relegated to limiting my decisions to “Paper or Plastic?” at the grocery store?

Still pondering. In the meantime, we will continue exploring the world, visiting different cultures, enjoying the sights, people, food and transportation and looking for fire stations.